Registration for the 2023-24 season of Business Connections is now closed. THANK YOU to all the mentors/mentees who registered!  We are very excited to welcome you into the program! 

The next registration period will be open in early fall of 2024.  If you have any questions before then, feel free to drop us an email at:

Business Connections Program Overview 

Business Connections is open to any current NDSU College of Business student. The mentoring relationship developed during this program is designed to help students expand upon their classroom knowledge and benefit from the exchange of ideas with established business professionals. The program aims to provide students with valuable, hands-on opportunities to test their classroom knowledge and skills in real-world situations. The program also helps students create strong connections in the business community, contributing to their ability to compete successfully in the workforce after graduation.

Potential Mentees & Mentors:

Give us a "follow" on our LinkedIn and Instagram pages to see regular updates & what Business Connections is all about! 


Instagram:  @ndsubusinessconnections

Thanks, and we hope to see you in our program!